Link Analytics In Real Time
Linkstant monitors your website for new links and records any new linking URLs that it discovers.
It alerts you to the new links within a few seconds, by email, text message, etc - rather than you having to wait days or weeks to find out.
To use Linkstant on your own site, just Sign Up using your Google account, and add a small snippet of code to your site's template.
Pro Accounts
October 2014: Linkstant has recently come to the end of its 3.5 year free trial period.
Pro accounts are now available; prices are currently a very affordable $7/month for Small Businesses and $27/month for Enterprise companies.
Brand New Features
With the transition to paid Linkstant accounts, we've been able to launch various new features, including:
- Link Filters: you can exclude referals from any sites, by adding them to your personal blacklist. Filters work on a domain or page level, and support regex.
- Report Links: any links which are spam, irrelevant or inaccurate can be reported directly from your links page
- RSS Feeds: you can now subscribe to a feed of your newest links
- Email Alerts: are now fully working and more reliable
- Page Tagging: add tags to any page to track different types of linked-to landing page
- Dedicated Support: an exclusive support email address for Pro users
The following features could be added soon; contact us if you'd like to beta-test any of them for us:
- HTTPS Hosted Code: allows Linkstant's code snippet to work on https websites
- SMS Alerts: text message alerts will be enabled again soon for Pro members
- Authentication Options: sign into Linkstant using other authentication services
- New UX & UI: Linkstant wasn't built in the 90s, so it probably shouldn't look like it was
About Us

Rob Ousbey
Rob loves living in the Pacific Northwest and trying keep his newborn son entertained.

Tom Critchlow
Tom is fiercely curious. He is always up for a coffee in Downtown Broklyn, NYC.